What people say

He loves being part of Strange Town and the plays, friendships and experiences that it offers.
Leslie Dible, parent

You bring excellence and inclusion together and provide such quality opportunities for the young people to perform new writing on a great platform, without any barriers to participation.
Jen Smith, director

The children we work with in our inner city area with multiple challenges, really benefit from Strange Town after-school drama. It allows them to become confident speaking in front of others, solving problems in groups and teams and performing to audiences. It gives them a sense of achievement and pride in what they have overcome to speak and perform confidently.
Colin McLean, Headteacher

I want to do acting as a career and this was a good first step into the business.
Youth Theatre member

Without performing with Strange Town I doubt I would’ve been able to achieve a lot of what I have since.
Youth Theatre member

I love youth theatre; Strange Town does it in the style that suits me best – I’ve met some of my best friends here.
Youth Theatre member

Acting allows me to experience lives that aren’t my own and that excites me.
Youth Theatre member

My Strange Town experience has equipped me with skills that I will use throughout my life and has given me the confidence and determination to want to continue working within the creative industry.
Amy McVicar, Young Company member

A model of youth theatre that really works.
The Scotsman

My involvement with Strange Town as a young actor is without doubt a big reason for my desire to go on to train as a professional actor. The chance to work with emerging young writers on new pieces of work, has been wonderful. The encouragement and opportunities for development which Strange Town has provided I will always be grateful for. Without them I am not sure that I would be going to drama school.
Ben Clifford, previous Young Company member

As a practitioner it was so good to work for an organisation where I felt supported and valued. Strange Town has a great balance of pushing exciting work and quality provision whilst looking after staff.
Young director

Three of my children have thoroughly enjoyed Strange Town and they have gained a lot. I particularly enjoy the low cost of the classes and bursaries for those that need it.
Marianne Dowling-Clarke, parent

She really gained a lot of confidence from the experience (short film) and enjoyed herself a lot.
Parent of agency member

He really enjoyed the audition. He was nervous going in and delighted with life coming out! A great experience for him.
Parent of agency member

It’s a real pleasure to deal with both the staff and young actors of Strange Town. The staff are incredibly helpful in helping me find the right actors for the roles I’m casting, and the actors are obviously getting a great training with them.
Simone Pereira Hind, casting director

Strange Town for me is about opportunity.
Alan Gordon, emerging writer

She came out of Strange Town last night, eyes sparkling, face beaming. She just absolutely loves it. She said she had to act out different scenarios and she said, ‘I did it, Mum’. I was really pleased and proud of her.
Parent of young disabled carer

Very incisive script, and a clever use of humour and with lots going on, it felt very real and at times devastatingly sharp edged – a privilege to be in the audience.
Audience member

My son who has Aspergers used to ask me “What is my talent?” of course I would tell him he was good at lots of things but it wasn’t until I saw him perform at a Strange Town show that I saw where his talents lie. Strange Town is a fantastic group that do a fantastic job, my son loves it!!
Niki Collins, parent

A fantastically dedicated team running an exciting, innovative and worthwhile project – the kids clearly love what they are doing…
Di Middleton

Strange Town offered so many opportunities. Because of these I grew more and more determined to succeed as an actress. I met a fantastic bunch of people. This helped in the confidence building and it is clear I’m not the only one who has grown not just as an actor, but also as a person.
Jessica Innes, previous youth theatre participant

Jack will now go on to a career in the creative arts because, without drama being on the curriculum at his school, Strange Town allowed us to keep a door open that would otherwise have closed.
John & Ruth Hinks (parents)

The stage experience I’ve learnt at Strange Town has helped me greatly in my higher drama exam . . . Strange Town is one of the best things to happen to a working‐class person like me.
Bradley Cannon, previous youth theatre participant

Strange Town has been invaluable for me over the past year. The sessions gave me the confidence boost I needed. Some of the people I have met at Strange Town will, I am certain, become great contacts in the future.
Andy Peppiette, previous Young Company member

Strange Town’s time in Craiglockhart has made such a difference to Laurie. I’ve no doubt that her weekly Strange Town class has played a notable part in this increased confidence, and not only in a drama setting.
Alison Johnstone, parent of after school drama participant

Shows are always brilliant, witty and in tune with current trends. I feel Strange Town really does play an important, immeasurable role to young people going through these awkward teenage years. Would recommend everyone sends their offspring to Strange Town.
Ema Johnston, parent